Sunday, March 13, 2011

Creation of this blog

Well I very much enjoyed learning how to create blogs. It is a very simple process with substantial yield. I've found that piezoelectricity is way to complicated for me to understand at a reasonable level because of the amount of science involved. The basic concept is that when certain crystals are compressed they create energy that will be stored in a capacitor for future use. It has been used effectively at a nightclub before but is not yet affordable and widespead. It was all very interesting and I will continue to follow it to hopefully catch the wave when the technology really takes off. In my future blogs I will not write about the creation of said blog or why its important and such. I will be sticking to content articles. I will not be creating another blog anytime soon, My hikers appeal blog I will use with some frequency to tell friends and family about my travels.


I have done some searching and have not managed to find any statistics on piezoelectricity. Most likely because of the newness of the research into using it to power our lives. But you know what they say they; there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Effect on our lives

Piezoelectricity main effect on our lives will be that the entire world will eventually have free electricity once the equipment is implemented into the different systems. We will be able to consume as much as we want, energy wise, and not have to worry about buildings not getting enough energy to have heating or hospitals losing power or anything of the like because our energy will be created by us and be wireless. Though this will be many years down the line when research has advanced to have the proper equipment to be put into everything-

Importance of Piezoelectricity

Piezoelectricity is going to create more energy for the world than any other renewable resource. It takes pressure upon crystals and creates energy. No other resource can be fully sustained simply putting crystals within our own structures. This energy source will be fundamental to the world one day going completely green and supplying our energy by our own movements.
